Your choice makes a difference!
  • 31 families in the Indian villages of Utnoor and Sirpur Mandal in the Adilabad district in the state of Telengana have enjoyed vastly improved living conditions, following the usage of 61 tons of organic cotton from their farms to make Alva bed linen. 
  • These families have received a €3,050 Fairtrade premium (compared to an average annual salary for a farmer of €150). The money will among other things be used for improving the quality of the village’s drinking water and to improve infrastructure around the local schools.
  • To promote continued organic farming, the farmers have received a €2,900 additional bonus, dedicated to their children’s education.
  • Through organic farming, 820 kg less carcinogenic pesticides have been used by the farmers, which otherwise would have poisoned both human and the environment. 
  • The farmers have also avoided using approximately 200 bags of genetically modified cotton seeds. Genetically modified seeds often leads to large debts due to the high cost of purchase. Every year around 4,800 farmers in India commit suicide, main reason being a worry for their family’s financial situation. 

This shows how our customers, through the active choice of buying organic and Fairtrade certified bed linen from Alva, have directly contributed to fair pay and improving life conditions for 31 cotton farming families. Thank you for this! 

We will of course not settle here. With your help and through sharing Alva’s mission to friends and family, we want to continue to help more families in need.

Thank you and sweet dreams, from us at Alva

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